Society News

  1. Little Known Jewish Cuban TB Issues

    Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal Cuban - Jewish anti tuberculosis fundraising seal

    Green's Cuba TB #'s 70-76, 1939//1952, were issued by the Jewish Anti Tuberculosis Commitee of Cuba (Colonia Hebrea Protectora de los Tuberculosos y Enfermos Mentales), in Havana, and have been greatly undervalued. I know of no dealer who has them for sale. Examining a single seal of this society, a Cuban philatelic expert who had never seen it, asked me how do you know they are Cuban? My only answer was, the larger certificate toward the bottom says, Cuba, and they have been listed in Green's Catalog, under Cuba for a long time.

  2. Kensington Dispensary, Philadelphia, PA

    1907-08 Christmas Seals of Kensington Philadelphia, PA Louis Pasteur

    When I googled "Kensington TB Dispensary", I found marijuana dispensaries. I guess the word, dispensary means something different today, however this word was once associated with tuberculosis; a place where suspected or confirmed tb cases can receive appropriate evaluation, treatment, and monitoring.

    These 1907-08 US local TB Christmas Seals are among the very first TB seals from America. Each displays the double barred cross of Lorraine, the international symbol of the fight against tb, and a quote by Louis Pasteur, "It is within the power of man to banish contageous diseases from the earth." Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, and pasteurization. His research led to breakthroughs in the understanding of the causes and preventions of diseases, including tb, laying down the foundations of hygiene, and public health.

  3. Glass Plates Used in Christmas Seal Production

    1936 US Christmas Seal first plate first plate detail second plate second plate detail third plate third plate detail fourth plate fourth plate detail 1935 Christmas Seal Slogan Block Set 1935 NM Glass Plate 1 detail 1935 NM Glass Plate 1 1935 NM Glass Plate 2 detail 1935 NM Glass Plate 2 1935 NM Glass Plate 3 detail 1935 NM Glass Plate 3 1935 NM Glass Plate 4 detail 1935 NM Glass Plate 4

    These amazing sets of four glass plates were used to create the 1935 and 1936 US Christmas Seal Negative Maker's proofs. NM proofs were created after the artist's work first became a single die proof; a single, or sometimes pair or block of seals surrounded by a large white margin. NM proofs came next, a full pane, usually 100 seals, surrounded by a large white margin. NM proofs were used by all the regional  printers of Christmas Seals to create massive press sheets which were perforated and cut into single panes, and sent to every family in America.

    The other side of these glass plates are expertly touched up to insure solid colors on the final product. Forgive the terrible reflections in these pictures. I imagine most production items like these have been lost to time. I have seen only one or two other sets of glass NM plates from the 1950's.

  4. Final Christmas Seal of Mexico

    2017 & 2018 Mexican TB Christmas seals featuring butterflies.

    2018 was the final TB Christmas Seal issue of Mexico; as of June 2022. Very similar to the 2017 butterfly issue with a new date. Mexican Christmas seals look more like postage stamps than most Christmas seals, finely printed with denominations, and feature many topically appealing, award winning designs. 


  5. Dioradin Treatment for Tuberculosis

    Dioradin TB Treatment Stock Certificate

    The antiobiotic cure for TB was developed after WW2, but in 1911 scientists were experimenting with Iodine and Radium, and clained a 30% improvment. A cure would have been worth a fortune, so I'm guessing they sold stock in the idea. But since only 2 coupons are clipped off, perhaps they went broke. Clearly there was no lasting results, but it was a hopeless time for those suffering from the disease, and doctors were willing to try anything. This may be the first, or at least an early, appempt to cure a disease with radiation. 

  6. Table of Contents for Scholarly Articles in Seal News

    #1 Starr Commonwealth pane 1917 Starr Commonwealth tied on postcard

    This ongoing enormous project of our beloved Seal News Editor, and Vice President, David Teisler, is making our journal more useful. There are over six thousand pages of Seal News issued since 1931.  As new issues of Seal News are released, the project is expanding, and includes, issue, page, author, date, and title of scholarly articles.

    Office spreadsheet icon TOC Teisler 6-22.xls
  7. Topical Collecting

    Topical Collecting: Fish on Cinderella Stamps Topical Collecting: Fish on Cinderella Stamps Topical Collecting: Fish on Mexican Christmas Seals Topical Christmas Seals: Fish, Brazil TB Topical Christmas Seals: Fish, Rhodesia Topical Collecting: Fish on Christmas Seals Topical Collecting: Fish on Revenue Stamps 1913 German Tropical Fish Event

    Topical or thematic cinderella stamp collecting is the collecting of non postal, stamp like labels relating to a particular subject. Topics can be almost anything, from fish, birds, trains, poets, famous physicians, and scientists, along with historical people and events. Topical collecting allows people to combine an interest in a topic and an interest in cinderella stamp collecting. It’s easy to get started in topical collecting, and yet it offers continuing challenges and enjoyment for advanced collectors. 

    The American Topical Association (ATA) is the world's largest organization for stamp collectors who focus on specific topics. When these collectors begin to run out of postage stamps in their topic, they often become keenly interested in cinderella stamps, which are virtually anything resembling a postage stamp, but not issued for postal purposes by a government postal administration. Here I have included European Poster Stamps issued for tropical fish events, TB Christmas Seals featuring fish, and State Fishing Revenue (tax) stamps.

    Topical collecting is a recognized category for competitive exhibitions and has its own Commission with the FIP (International Stamp Collecting Federation). 

  8. Florence Wright Donates TB Postcard Collection

    Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, NY

    Long time officer and servant of the CS&CSS, Florence Wright donates her entire (140+) collection of Saranac Lake/ Trudeau Sanatorium TB postcards to Historic Saranac Lake. These were from Wright's exhibit, "Postcards from the San."

    We just received a very pleasing note from the archivist/ curator of "Historic Saranac Lake" about the work she has been doing with those cards. The CS&CSS is delighted!

    Hi Florence,

    ...the first half of your collection is now transcribed, cataloged, and digitized and included in our online collection database:

    I know that people are really going to enjoy seeing these cards and learning more from them. We shared about the news in honor of World TB Day (which coincidentally is today!) on social media and our blog so I am sure they will get a lot of hits today:

    I need to finish uploading the entries for the other 70-something cards, so they should be up online next week sometime. I can't thank you enough for your passion for collecting these, and your thoughtfulness in donating them to us. I'll keep you posted as we make them available to the public!

    Chessie Monks-Kelly, Archivist/ Curator

  9. Peace & Liberty for Ukraine

    Peace & Liberty for Ukraine

    Support Ukranian Freedom! Download the file to print a sheet of 30 Sovereign Ukraine poster stamps. Don't forget to use them on your mail (along with a postage stamp) to show your support for the brave people of Ukraine, and to create rare and interesting postal history. Those uplifted hands?; yea, those are Russians surrendering.


    PDF icon ukraine.pdf
