This enormous ongoing project is making our journal, Seal News more useful; the work of Seal News Editor, and Vice President, David Teisler. When new issues of Seal News are released, the project is expanding, and includes, issue, page, author, date, and title of scholarly articles. With over six thousand pages of Seal News issued since 1931, there is a lot of material to cover. Logged on members can download, and read every one.
The 1934 Korean Methodist poster stamp tied on was a recent find of member Dave Lowental. What makes it especially interesting; it was sent from Rosetta Sherwood Hall, mother of Dr. Sherwood Hall who started Christmas Seals in Korea in 1932. She was famous in her own right; also a Korean medical missionary, she started the first women's medical school in Korea. See March 15th, 2023 News Item for more of her tied ons.