Society News

  1. Table of Contents for Back Issues of Seal News

    1907 type 1 US Christmas Seal error, Horizontal Pairs Imperforate Vertically, Largest Known Piece from a single sheet, found in 1981 under deskmat of Charles Lorenz by John Denune, Jr.

    This ongoing enormous project of our beloved Seal News Editor, and Vice President, David Teisler, is making our journal more useful. There are over six thousand pages of Seal News issued since 1931.  As new issues of Seal News are released, the project is expanding, and includes, issue, page, author, date, and title of scholarly articles.

    Office spreadsheet icon Table of Contents for Back Issues 10-2021.xls
  2. Newly Discovered, 2 Unlisted Palestine Israel TB + US Local TB Los Angeles

    Unlisted Israel Palestine anti tuberculosis label Unlisted Israel Palestine anti tuberculosis label Unlisted US Local 1938 Window Card Los Angeles Sanatorium

    The Hebrew translates to the LEAGUE FOR THE WAR ON TUBERCULOSIS IN ISRAEL. NESS-ZIONA (the town). Reported by member Ivan Krell of Australia

    Unlisted US Local 1938 Window Card (aprox 7" square) Los Angeles Sanatorium, a non sectarian Jewish hospital. From the collection of John Denune.

  3. Newly Discovered Argentina TB Poster?

    Argentina #101 1931 Poster Argentina #101w 1931 Window Label Argentina #101 1931 Booklet Pane Argentina #101 1931 Booklet Cover Argentina #120 1949 Rare Seal, last Jose Penna issue

    An unlisted Argentina #101 1931 Christmas seal poster (183 x 245 mm) was recently discovered. It is likely that more than a few old time seal collectors knew about this poster, but considered it outside the scope of Green's Catalog. It is very similar to the listed window label #101w (86 x 117 mm), but larger. Both feature a woman and child affixing #101 Christmas seals on Christmas cards and gifts.

    This seal, #101 1931 pictures swallows and nest, and is the first in a series issued by the Jose Penna Institute for Infectious Diseases (Instituto de Enfermedades Infecciosas "Jose Penna"). This charitable TB fundraising society issued seals thru 1949, when a Juan Peron government decree stopped the issuance of all fundraising or charity seals after 1948 (except their own, see 02/18/2021 news item), making the 1949 seal rare.

    The Jose Penna Institute wasn't the only charitable fundraising TB seal society stopped by this government decree. The Liga Argintina Contra La Tuberculosis de Rosario also issued a pane of 5 different seals in 1949. Picturing a portrait of Dr. Clemente Alvarez. I wish I could illustrate it here, however it is so rare it is not in our reference collection.

  4. CS&CSS meeting at Dr Sarrow's 7-27-1948

    1948 Meeting of the CS&CSS 1948 Meeting of the CS&CSS

    Thanks to Joesph D. Ward Jr. for identifying the people in this picture.

    Standing L to R - Carroll Lovering, Mrs Lovering, Mrs Anderson, Mr. Anderson, Dorsey Wheless, Miss Batchelor, Dr Sarrow, Charles Lorenz, Nell Fenker, Ed held, Miss Clemencon.

    Seated L to R - May Rigney, Igor Gondos (printer that did things for CSCSS and this group, like meeting labels etc), Mrs Lorenz, Miss Seimes, Mrs Hiraw (?), Jean Fraser.


    Dinner picture is same plus Mrs Sarrow.

  5. First US Christmas Seal, Early History, by George Painter

    Watch out for the Christmas Stamps Seals go on Sale in Wilmington Wilmington Delaware Sales Booth Clinic to be Saved Seals on Sale in Philadelphia Philadelphia Nurse Holding Sheet of Seals 1907 Type 2 Christmas Seal on Sale in Philadelphia Letters Wanting Annual Seals 1907 Kansas City Star Christmas Seal Article

    These fascinating early Wilmington and Philadelphia newspaper articles, submitted by George Painter, include a photo of a Wilmington sales booth, a tiny teaser ad before they went on sale, two Leigh Mitchell Hodges ads in the Philadelphia North American, and supportive letters to the editor. The first articles are from the Wilmington Morning News and the Philadelphia North American.

    George continues..."I just discovered the first newspaper article from west of the Mississippi about the 1907 seal. As more newspapers are added to chronicalingamerica and, there may be more. This is vital information to help with authentication of postmarks on 1907s outside of Wilmington, Philadelphia, and Washington (also using the newspaper publication dates in a particular area). There are now 12 Pennsylvania newspapers outside Philadelphia with December 1907 articles. Two of those are Reading and Chambersburg, both with known authentic tied 1907s. Obviously, the Pennsylvania Red Cross did a great job of publicizing the seals in the state. I also found the first upstate New York reference - Elmira on Dec. 23."

  6. Tuberculosis Fundraising in Russia

    Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster Russian TB Poster

    In the first quarter of the 20th century tuberculosis was widespread and Russia had the highest mortality rate in Europe.

    The Anti-Tuberculosis League, created in 1909, fought the disease by raising charitable contributions with TB labels and lapel tags, thru education, and by providing relief. The symbol of the fight against TB was the white chamomile flower. One early appeal said: "to make everyone remember the existence of a constant, terrible, albeit invisible enemy of all mankind - tuberculosis, and to urge everyone to contribute to the common cause of the fight against it". Pre-revolutionary posters advertised “White Chamomile Day,” during which anyone could buy a paper flower lapel tag, or TB label. White Flower Day was held in churches, temples, on the streets, and in theaters and clubs.

    medical exhibitions were organized, doctors gave lectures on hygiene. In 1910, 104 cities in Russia took part in the White Flower Day campaign, and half a million rubles were collected - enough to build five new hospitals or sanatoriums for 40-50 people.

    On April 11, 1918, the All-Russian Tuberculosis League was abolished, and its property was transferred to the People's Commissariat of Social Security of the RSFSR. Three day tuberculosis events were held with medical educators, and large sections of the population. Charitable contributions "kruzhechny" were collected, and those who gave received a TB label.

    In 1924 the hammer and sickle, decorated with a scarlet poppy, replaced the white camomile flower as the new symbol of the fight against TB. The movement used the slogan, "Protecting the health of workers is the work of the workers themselves." From 1922 thru 1926 five annual three-day events took place in Moscow. Each of them had its own slogan: in 1922 - "Dispensaries-centers for the fight against tuberculosis", in 1923 - "Fight against childhood tuberculosis", in 1924 - "Fight against tuberculosis as a social disease", in 1925 - "For improving the work of tuberculosis dispensaries", in 1926 - "Improving the life of the working people."

    Before WW2 fundraising seals were discontinued in the Russia.

    Greens Catalog lists 117 pre WW2 Russian TB labels. Many were used as lapel tags and they often have pin holes. Metal and cloth TB items were also created. They are all rare. The basis of Green's listing was the collection of Frenchman, Albert Griffon (Griffon de Albert), whose collection was purchased in 1983 by John Denune. Download this 42 page collection, below.  Dr Alexey Rozhkov ( also has a fantastic collection of Russian TB labels, many not listed in Greens. He modestly says he knows of 3 collections better than his, and has informed us of a catalog by Andrey Nedalvodin ( Andrey is a collector, and has written many specialized catalogs available for purchase at Also illustrated here are Russian TB posters. It is interesting to note that Palestine and Israel after her, used the white camomile flower on their TB seals as the symbol for the fight against TB. 

    Russian TB album created by Dan Cousineau.

    PDF icon Russian TB Collection-1.pdf PDF icon Russia TB Album.pdf
  7. Christmas Seal Errors

    1907 type 1 HPIB 1907 type 1 VPIB 1907 type 2 VPIB 1909 VPIB 1910 HPIB 1911 type 2 HPIB 1914 HPIB 1915 HPIB 1918 type 1, perf 12, brown omitted 1920 perf 12 1/2, red omitted 1920 type 1, perf 12, blue omitted 1924 HPIB 1925 type 1, perf 12, HPIV 1925 type 2, green inverted 1925 type 1, perf 12, red & green only 1926 perf 12 1/2, blue inverted 1927, perf 12, HBg, HPIB 1929 perf 12 1/2, red & yellow inverted 1929 perf 12 1/2, red omitted 1929 perf 12 1/2, yellow inverted

    A Christmas Seal Error is a mistake in the printing or perforation, made by accident. This collection of Christmas Seal errors is not complete and includes 1) missing colors, 2) inverted colors, and 3) pairs with missing rows of perforations, where vertical or horizontal row(s) were omitted (creating HPIB, VPIB, HPIV and VPIH)

    Vocabulary Review

    HPIB- horizontal pair imperf between, may come from a sheet missing a single vertical row (or every other vertical rows) of perfs.

    HPIV - horizontal pair imperf vertically typically comes from a sheet missing all vertical perfs, and is imperf on the right and left side.

    Same for VPIB - vertical pair imperforate between, and VPIH - vertical pair imperforate horizontally

    HP-IB, HP-IV, VP-IB, and VP-IH - This is an old seal collecting designation for a gutter pair. The "-" indicates that the seals came from 2 different panes. These are not errors, and were excluded. 1908 type 1 exists as such a gutter pair (from an uncut booklet sheet) and is often considered an error, but it is not.

    Missing color errors can be confused with a stage of a progressive color proof (pcp), however they are either a different perforation, or a different combination of colors.

    Worn plate varieties such as 1936 missing candle flame, or 1941 no footprints in the snow, though listed in Green's Catalog as errors, really are not. Also, printer's waste, which can look a lot like errors, were also excluded from this image collection. Seals with a doubling (or tripling) of a color, where the subsequent print is lighter, did not actually run thru the press twice, and are not included here. Grossly misperforated sheets, where perforated and imperforate seals exist side by side, though errors, were also excluded.

  8. Eva & Juan Peron Christmas Seals

    Eva "Evita" Peron Christmas Seals, c.1950

    For a time, these fundraising seals, issued around 1950 replaced Christmas Seals in Argentina. This charity aided poor children and provided toys at Christmas, meals, candy and clothing. The organization faltered after Eva's death, and was shut down when Juan Peron was overthrown in 1955. From time to time, decades later, storehouses of toys from this charity, secured by the Peronists to keep them from being looted, have turned up. Thanks to Kevin Akin for providing this history. 

  9. 1918 Type 2 Non Straight Edge Seals

    1918-2x5, perf 12 1/2, PM at L 1918-2x4 perf 12 1/2, PM top, SE bottom, VM R&L 1918-2.2x4, perf 12 1/2 x roul 9 1/2, PM top, SE bottom, VM R&L 1918-2.4x4, roul 9 1/2 x perf 12 1/2, roul margin top, SE bottom, VM R&L 1918-2.6x4, roul 9 1/2 horizontally, roul 12 1/2 at left, and perf 12 1/2 thru the center (vertically) and on the right side, PM top, SE bottom, VM R&L

    The only 1918 type 2 Christmas Seal issued in sheet of 100 was imperforate; All other 1918 type 2's were from booklet panes of 10. Except for a few, nearly every seal from the 15 different type 2 booklet panes of ten are straight edge. The 7 1918 panes listed below yield a few type 2 seals perforated on all four sides (P4S), or non straight edge seals. These 7 panes are scarce so, when intact, they should never be broken.

    P4S Perforation 12 1/2

    1) Green's #18-2x5 (Scott #WX22m)1918 ty 2, perf 12 1/2, pane of 10, 2x5, straight edge on three sides (SE3S), perforated margin (PM) at left. This would yield 3 P4S seals. (Illustrated)

    2) Green's #18-2x7 (Scott #WX22L) 1918 ty 2, perf 12 1/2, pane of 10, 2x5, SE3S, PM at right . (WX22L). This would yield 3 P4S seals. (Illustrated)

    P4S Combo perf 12 1/2 & 12

    3) Green's #18-2.9x8 (Scott #WX22k) 1918 ty 2 perf 12 1/2 with 2nd and 4th vertical rows perf 12, pane of 10, 5x2, SE2S, PM at top and right. This pane will yield 3 P4S seals, 2 are combinations per 12 1/2 & 12 (perf 12 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 12, and the other perf 12 1/2 x 12 x 12 1/2 x 12 1/2).

    There is no 1918 type 2 perf 12 1/2 x 12 P4S seal.

    Any 1918 type 2 non straight edge seal tied on cover is rare.

    Also, there are 1918 type 2 panes with a varying margin (VM) at right and left, which will yield what might appear to be a non straight edge seal. These varying margins were created when some 1918 type 2 press sheets, with perforated or roulette vertical gutters were cut. A VM pane can show perfs, or roulettes on one or both sides, depending on how well the pane was cut. Sometimes, one side is straight edge, and the other side may have a tiny margin. Upon closer inspection, even though the perfs or roulettes are present, they are knife cut, not torn apart but cut apart.

    4) 1918-2x4 (Scott #WX22f), pane of 10 (2x5) perf 12 1/2, PM at top, VM R&L (Illustrated)

    5) 1918-2.2x4 (Scott #WX22e), pane of 10 (2x5) perf 12 1/2 x roul 9 /2, PM at tom, VM R&L (Illustrated)

    6) 1918-2.4x4 (Scott #WX22h), pane of 10 (2x5) roul 9 1/2 x perf 12 1/2, PM at top, VM R&L (Illustrated)

    7) 1918-2.6x4 (Scott #WX22i), pane of 10 (2x5) roul 9 1/2 horizontally, roul 12 1/2 at left, and perf 12 1/2 thru the center (vertically) and on the right side, PM at top, VM R&L (Illustrated)

