1) Publicity photo of Einar Holboll, the father of The Christmas Seal.
2) 1915 Red Cross Christmas Seal Campaign.
3) 1931 publicity photo of Vanderbilt coach used on Christmas Seal.
4) 1933 publicity photo of Christmas Seal Album being presented to the President. Dr. Wm Charles White, Pres DC TB Assn, FDR, Dorsey Wheless, CS&CSS member who put the collection together, unknown woman, Dr. Kendall Emerson, Director of the NTA.
5) 1933 Publicity photo of Emily P. Bissell at her desk.
6) 1935 Christmas Seal artist Ernest Hamlin Baker with model for Christmas Seal Virginia McMullen.
7) 1936 publicity photo of Leigh Mitchell Hodges, and Emily P. Bissell.
8) 1939 Publicity photo of Kendall Emerson and Emily P. Bissell.
9) 1940 publicity photo of President FDR meeting child models of the Christmas Seal.
10) December 25th 1940 Special staff meeting of the National Tuberculosis Association Merry Christmas to all Sate and Local TB Associations.
11) November 1946 Miss Bissell's nurse, Emily P. Bissell, Leigh Mitchell Hodges, and Charles L. Newcomb.
12) 1949 publicity photo of actor Charles Coburn and Leigh Mitchell Hodges.
Some Old Christmas Seal Publicity Photos