Review of pre publication, Medicine through Philately, Spanish TB Seals

Spanish TB Seal Sheet

Review of pre publication, Medicine through Philately, Spanish TB Seals

Medicine through Philately, Spanish TB Seals, by Professor Manuel Casal is more than a catalog of anti tuberculosis seals of Spain. An original classification system is used, and the seals are arranged chronologically by type. Included is the history of the double barred cross and double crescent as a symbol in the fight against TB, as well as the current status of TB in the world, and in Spain, as only a microbiologist could. Professor Casal is the director of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cordoba.

Collectors have often asked me what I knew about a particular issue, and I have been embarrassed by the lack of available information. Catalogs of TB seals generally list the name of the issuing society, the date and place of the issue. Dr. Casal has looked far and wide into the people and events surrounding these issues, making his book the definitive source for information on the subject. If it were not for Dr. Casal’s diligent efforts, much of this early rich history of Spanish TB seals would have been lost. Because of his research, this book stands out from other similar efforts, and sets a new standard for future TB seal catalogs.

No small effort has gone into acquiring the illustrations, which are better than any other catalog of Spanish TB seals. Rare seals, almost never offered in the market are for the first time available clear and in color. Few countries in the world have a TB seal catalog as nice as this one. As editor of a similar work on US TB seals, I know this is a labor of love. I am proud to know the professor, and am delighted to see his work completed.


John Denune, past president Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society,

American Philatelic Society affiliate #101